Subpage under development, new version coming soon!
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+ 16 player skills instead of 8
Maybe 1 or 2 more, not double. Besides, more as 8 makes it less Sokker 2.0 so maybe no more as 8.
totally agree, that's what like on sokker, it's not so hard to have an overview on your players :) I quit a lot of other online managers, because it was so hard to manage all the things and sokker is the only one I'm playing so long
Maybe 1 or 2 more, not double. Besides, more as 8 makes it less Sokker 2.0 so maybe no more as 8.
totally agree, that's what like on sokker, it's not so hard to have an overview on your players :) I quit a lot of other online managers, because it was so hard to manage all the things and sokker is the only one I'm playing so long
I've been around for a while I suppose so I'll throw my two cents out there. Here is my quick list of improvements/focus points:
1. Custom built tactics. I think we all agree this is what makes sokker different from other games. I love love love watching two evenly matched teams go at it and one coming out dominating every time because of tactics. Honestly I'm not sure if we need more options in the tactic editor (already can do a lot there), but maybe a few more options for orders (on red card shift to this tactic which plays with a man down).
2. Don't block every match behind a paywall. Either block it so you can only watch your matches or so everyone can watch all matches in my opinion. Additionally, Please never implement the stupid 300 seconds before you can watch a game. Nothing more frustrating then accidentally closing that game window and having to re-wait another 300 seconds when the first 300 were already 300 too many.
3. I personally believe the 2d sokker match viewer to be extremely important and I'm not sure I would play a game without it. Why? Because that's how I see my tactic move and see my opponent's tactics move. Before every US NT game I am watching my opponent's previous games looking at how their players lineup for throw ins at every sector, where the strikers move, how defenders stand, etc. You can pick up SO MUCH from this and it is what complements the editor so well to make the complete package. Beyond that, I always hide the results on gameday until I can watch the match because of how exciting it is to see those dumb little players run around.
4. Junior squad needs a little change because it is too inconsistent now. I like the idea of the hidden talent and yada yada but it all just needs to be simplified a bit.
5. I actually don't mind the idea of being able to sign up in regions beyond your country. I think one of the tough parts of this game is how little of the population exists outside of Poland/Romania/Italy and maybe a couple more. The USA has like 50 users and we try our best to stay active and chat and what not but it can be hard with so few people. Additionally, it makes it very tough for the NT and U21 NT to field a decent team with so few youth players being drawn. I know if I was in an even smaller country with like 20 users who weren't active I would probably get bored and leave. Better spread = better.
6. I like players current skills and progressions. I think it makes sense and gives enough info without being overwhelming. I think maybe a little bit more info about how things affect the player would be nice (example: what does a formidable playmaker attacker do differently vs a hopeless playmaker attacker? Does he shoot from further out? Does he not pass as often? etc).
7. NT coaches need a better way to search and see players. Such a struggle right now having to skmail every owner, hope they respond, hope they aren't lying about his skills, etc. Also if a stud player slips through the cracks you won't ever know about him unless you stumble upon him. Having some sort of database with all the sokker players from a country or something would be really nice, but at the very least I think having something like a button that shares your player's info with the NT coach of each specified country wouldn't be bad. Maybe have it where you can disable it but it's auto enabled by default.
8. Have a trophy case
9. In regards to talent of a player, I wonder if it wouldn't be a terrible idea to show that (or a rough range of talent) on a player. I say this because of all the external tools we have to currently use to sell a player to prove talent. If some people already have a general idea, why not make that knowledge a bit more public?
10. I actually like the height/weight/BMI factors. I think they further add to how you can build your team for certain tactics or whatever.
11. Stadiums and the spectators and their ticket prices are a bit too random/confusing for my liking. I really enjoy the flexibility they provide but I think there should be a little more information about things like prices, sizes vs supporters, mood effects, weather effects, etc. Feels very blind right now.
12. having a better walkthrough/tutorial/whatever for early on would be great. Even something like a basic tactic editor that shows them results of their changes (Example: they havea standard tactic. They change what they want and press simulate. They get a little 2 min preview of a bot game using their tactic.). Honestly having that in general would be awesome. I'd lobe to be able to just simulate a game whenever I want to see how a tactic played. I think this would be a later piece though. Back to the point, we need quick learning and satisfaction for newer players.
13. Seeing financees beyond 2 weeks would be nice information to have.
14. Last but not least, remember that most of the people here want to see sokker 2.0, not Random New Soccer Game. I tried to highlight a lot points but there are so many smaller details (ex: how easy it is to apply a player to the NT/drop them, how transfers work, the simplicity of the forums, etc) that truly make up a lot of the greatness of this game and changing those too much could really alienate the sokker community.
Love the project idea though, I'd be happy to help test or give more ideas if needed!
1. Custom built tactics. I think we all agree this is what makes sokker different from other games. I love love love watching two evenly matched teams go at it and one coming out dominating every time because of tactics. Honestly I'm not sure if we need more options in the tactic editor (already can do a lot there), but maybe a few more options for orders (on red card shift to this tactic which plays with a man down).
2. Don't block every match behind a paywall. Either block it so you can only watch your matches or so everyone can watch all matches in my opinion. Additionally, Please never implement the stupid 300 seconds before you can watch a game. Nothing more frustrating then accidentally closing that game window and having to re-wait another 300 seconds when the first 300 were already 300 too many.
3. I personally believe the 2d sokker match viewer to be extremely important and I'm not sure I would play a game without it. Why? Because that's how I see my tactic move and see my opponent's tactics move. Before every US NT game I am watching my opponent's previous games looking at how their players lineup for throw ins at every sector, where the strikers move, how defenders stand, etc. You can pick up SO MUCH from this and it is what complements the editor so well to make the complete package. Beyond that, I always hide the results on gameday until I can watch the match because of how exciting it is to see those dumb little players run around.
4. Junior squad needs a little change because it is too inconsistent now. I like the idea of the hidden talent and yada yada but it all just needs to be simplified a bit.
5. I actually don't mind the idea of being able to sign up in regions beyond your country. I think one of the tough parts of this game is how little of the population exists outside of Poland/Romania/Italy and maybe a couple more. The USA has like 50 users and we try our best to stay active and chat and what not but it can be hard with so few people. Additionally, it makes it very tough for the NT and U21 NT to field a decent team with so few youth players being drawn. I know if I was in an even smaller country with like 20 users who weren't active I would probably get bored and leave. Better spread = better.
6. I like players current skills and progressions. I think it makes sense and gives enough info without being overwhelming. I think maybe a little bit more info about how things affect the player would be nice (example: what does a formidable playmaker attacker do differently vs a hopeless playmaker attacker? Does he shoot from further out? Does he not pass as often? etc).
7. NT coaches need a better way to search and see players. Such a struggle right now having to skmail every owner, hope they respond, hope they aren't lying about his skills, etc. Also if a stud player slips through the cracks you won't ever know about him unless you stumble upon him. Having some sort of database with all the sokker players from a country or something would be really nice, but at the very least I think having something like a button that shares your player's info with the NT coach of each specified country wouldn't be bad. Maybe have it where you can disable it but it's auto enabled by default.
8. Have a trophy case
9. In regards to talent of a player, I wonder if it wouldn't be a terrible idea to show that (or a rough range of talent) on a player. I say this because of all the external tools we have to currently use to sell a player to prove talent. If some people already have a general idea, why not make that knowledge a bit more public?
10. I actually like the height/weight/BMI factors. I think they further add to how you can build your team for certain tactics or whatever.
11. Stadiums and the spectators and their ticket prices are a bit too random/confusing for my liking. I really enjoy the flexibility they provide but I think there should be a little more information about things like prices, sizes vs supporters, mood effects, weather effects, etc. Feels very blind right now.
12. having a better walkthrough/tutorial/whatever for early on would be great. Even something like a basic tactic editor that shows them results of their changes (Example: they havea standard tactic. They change what they want and press simulate. They get a little 2 min preview of a bot game using their tactic.). Honestly having that in general would be awesome. I'd lobe to be able to just simulate a game whenever I want to see how a tactic played. I think this would be a later piece though. Back to the point, we need quick learning and satisfaction for newer players.
13. Seeing financees beyond 2 weeks would be nice information to have.
14. Last but not least, remember that most of the people here want to see sokker 2.0, not Random New Soccer Game. I tried to highlight a lot points but there are so many smaller details (ex: how easy it is to apply a player to the NT/drop them, how transfers work, the simplicity of the forums, etc) that truly make up a lot of the greatness of this game and changing those too much could really alienate the sokker community.
Love the project idea though, I'd be happy to help test or give more ideas if needed!
Guys, thank you for all of your input, i read and note. A lot of good ideas, we will try to build a forum or a system to collect everything at the same place. so hold it a little bit,
Also, to make the process go a bit faster, we will try to make a concept first, i have a picture in my head. Lets start there. Later the community can give us feedback, and we will start to discuss the details when we got the bigger blocks on place first.
All your ideas are needed, but we are to fresh in the process.
Usually when you develop an idea for users, you have to get to know them, and understand the brief first. You have to do research and more,
But the good advantage we got here for the process is that i already know the users, the game and so on. So we make a little jump, and we can start creating and hopefully not miss the goal by far. And we start building from there..
We may need to start a blog soon! stay tuned friends.
I also will need to write some Q&A here, i get a lot of repeated questions, about the purpose and more background. I will return.
Just remember that i have a full time job, and this project will be developed on my own free time. I have to keep the wife happy at the same time ^^
Also, to make the process go a bit faster, we will try to make a concept first, i have a picture in my head. Lets start there. Later the community can give us feedback, and we will start to discuss the details when we got the bigger blocks on place first.
All your ideas are needed, but we are to fresh in the process.
Usually when you develop an idea for users, you have to get to know them, and understand the brief first. You have to do research and more,
But the good advantage we got here for the process is that i already know the users, the game and so on. So we make a little jump, and we can start creating and hopefully not miss the goal by far. And we start building from there..
We may need to start a blog soon! stay tuned friends.
I also will need to write some Q&A here, i get a lot of repeated questions, about the purpose and more background. I will return.
Just remember that i have a full time job, and this project will be developed on my own free time. I have to keep the wife happy at the same time ^^
Please start by emailing your ideas to
put the subject idea on it,
I need to be able to search through them easily.
But really, i see that we have a lot of same visions, and that is not strange =)
So don't worry, be calm. Its a long process.
put the subject idea on it,
I need to be able to search through them easily.
But really, i see that we have a lot of same visions, and that is not strange =)
So don't worry, be calm. Its a long process.
A mission & a message:
To helpful people who have been signing up, we need your help now.
After looking at the statistics, we are very very happy with the results. We got 233 sign-ups right now!
But we are sure that our message is not effective enough, we can do much better!
Since language issues could be a problem. Some users have contacted me and helped me translating our message and homepage to their native language, that helped a lot. Thank you, you know who you are.
If you believe in the change that we want to bring, then its your duty if you have a free time, and care. Then help us translate our message and homepage to your native language. We want to make it more effective so we reach more people. Contact your friends in your community and tell them about this. Explain that we want to create a new game inspired by sokker, and tell them why. Because we as an community want to bring change. We need a plan B if one day, they pull the plug for
Cause we care enough, and we want to show the devs the results of ignorance.
No one wants to do anything about it, so we have to! If it goes well, we all will be part of a new game and a growing community. I want to play this kind of game until i die!
And my wife thinks I'm crazy and strange...
Some statistics:
Around 600 people visited the site:
38% of the users sign up!
Thank you
You pointed me in this direction from this (danish national forum) thread so I'll reply here. (To your post #11)
I think the forum on is the wrong place to look for coders and users for a new game. I think it is wrong to copy the game - you want it to be like sokker, right? - and I cannot see how your "revolution" in any way would help THIS game. It's basically an empty threat: "start developing - and use my design - or I will make a lot of users quit!"
How is that helping this game?
What you are trying to do is to persuade people to quit and come pay you in stead. "Because we love Sokker, because we care" - lol.
You may feel this is a mercy killing of a dying game. But please don't try and sound like you want to help Sokker.
Here is a question: what will be the forum rules in your game concerning advertising for similar games, like Hattrick? Will it be allowed to spam every country with ads? Can I tell everybody that the developer - you - sucks?
I love Sokker. I hope for changes too (that damn rewind-button and the juniors) - but it's NOT broken. Users are leaving, that is a problem. But please explain how persuading more users to leave will be a 'revolution' to sokker. Thanks.
You pointed me in this direction from this (danish national forum) thread so I'll reply here. (To your post #11)
I think the forum on is the wrong place to look for coders and users for a new game. I think it is wrong to copy the game - you want it to be like sokker, right? - and I cannot see how your "revolution" in any way would help THIS game. It's basically an empty threat: "start developing - and use my design - or I will make a lot of users quit!"
How is that helping this game?
What you are trying to do is to persuade people to quit and come pay you in stead. "Because we love Sokker, because we care" - lol.
You may feel this is a mercy killing of a dying game. But please don't try and sound like you want to help Sokker.
Here is a question: what will be the forum rules in your game concerning advertising for similar games, like Hattrick? Will it be allowed to spam every country with ads? Can I tell everybody that the developer - you - sucks?
I love Sokker. I hope for changes too (that damn rewind-button and the juniors) - but it's NOT broken. Users are leaving, that is a problem. But please explain how persuading more users to leave will be a 'revolution' to sokker. Thanks.
The problem is it has been YEARS since an update for this game or any significant news from the owners. This game is not dying, its already dead. And ila-a is providing us with a new option and takes as much memberbase with him as possible. Cant see anything wrong with it.
Who wrote anything about convincing others to leave? I answered everything in the Danish forum, and i paste the same answer here.
I would play both games, as i written clearly in my text, i try to create a plan B for the community,
Our game hasn't even started, we just collect interest, and you say that we try to make people leave? why would they leave if they still love this game as i do? it isn't developing at all, thats the problem.
You answered your own question by writing that "Users are leaving", they do that already..Why do you think that they do?
So my campaign is not making it worse right? its the opposite, depending how you see it.
Even in the Danish forums users wrote to you that i never encouraged anyone to leave, in every country I've written that i hope sokker develops.
But not all people will ever understand this movement, so i guess i don't expect you to do! And the most interesting thing right now is that the Scandinavian countries has been the least supportive, even though our communities are dying fast. But its a classic imo.
My post from the danish forum to you, based on your latest post, i guess you never bothered to read it:
Kongbuur, i have written some background on the international freestyle forums, and other country forums.
As i explained in the first post, the devs have been in ignorance mode for a long while now. I think that you are an awesome and loyal user, and me too, i have been developing fan site for this game, a lot of logos during the years for the users and offered my design even this latest one that you see to greg for FREE.
Some users that are in contact with him wrote that they liked my idea, and that they would come back to me later.. this is more than 6 months ago.
But my history goes back to when the community made a rise and asked for change. Sokker made a design contest, and promised that the winner design would be implemented, or some ideas of it. But nothing happened back then either.
If you love sokker, you have to understand that its development has stopped. The platform is old, Flash is old, the design is not attracting users. The bugs are not being solved... the youth system is destroyed and much more. Its not user friendly anymore, and the list goes on.
But in this game, there is an awesome community that loves this kind of nerdy game, a tactical game that everyone thinks should be better and more realistic. My goal is to keep the heart of it beating.
I noticed during the years that no one did anything, i offered as you mention to greg to buy his game twice if i remember it right. But i got no answer! At the beginning, years ago... he could answer with a short answer.. but the communication now is non-existing.
As a community, we need a plan B if they pull out the plug. No one else will do it if i don't, i loved tech, design, sports, creativity since young age. So why not give it a try?
I fell in love with Sokker and left hattrick that was getting developed here in Sweden. Therefore, i will try to create Sokker inspired game, a game that reminds me and you of this game and how everything got started. Its not important if greg or someone else is behind it right? We just need to keep it alive and grow..
When i started this revolution campaign, i was hoping for a reaction from the devs, that they would get affected by it. And start to make something to change sokker. It would still make me happy.
So I'm trying to create another option if nothing happens here, and its gonna be more tactical, analytical, more economics and deeper youth system. A more realistic game with no focus on graphics.
if you like the idea, then i ask you to give it a chance. i will do this on my free time, if i manage to create a game that i can work with and make my job in the future, enjoy a community, why not?
You don't live far away either, you could come and work with us =)
I hope that something of my long post makes sense to you. But I'm not the first or the last who tried to reach the owners bro.
Its not going to be just another game, its going to be a sokker inspired game. And its up for you how you choose to see it, a commercial or revolution to make a change!
I would play both games, as i written clearly in my text, i try to create a plan B for the community,
Our game hasn't even started, we just collect interest, and you say that we try to make people leave? why would they leave if they still love this game as i do? it isn't developing at all, thats the problem.
You answered your own question by writing that "Users are leaving", they do that already..Why do you think that they do?
So my campaign is not making it worse right? its the opposite, depending how you see it.
Even in the Danish forums users wrote to you that i never encouraged anyone to leave, in every country I've written that i hope sokker develops.
But not all people will ever understand this movement, so i guess i don't expect you to do! And the most interesting thing right now is that the Scandinavian countries has been the least supportive, even though our communities are dying fast. But its a classic imo.
My post from the danish forum to you, based on your latest post, i guess you never bothered to read it:
Kongbuur, i have written some background on the international freestyle forums, and other country forums.
As i explained in the first post, the devs have been in ignorance mode for a long while now. I think that you are an awesome and loyal user, and me too, i have been developing fan site for this game, a lot of logos during the years for the users and offered my design even this latest one that you see to greg for FREE.
Some users that are in contact with him wrote that they liked my idea, and that they would come back to me later.. this is more than 6 months ago.
But my history goes back to when the community made a rise and asked for change. Sokker made a design contest, and promised that the winner design would be implemented, or some ideas of it. But nothing happened back then either.
If you love sokker, you have to understand that its development has stopped. The platform is old, Flash is old, the design is not attracting users. The bugs are not being solved... the youth system is destroyed and much more. Its not user friendly anymore, and the list goes on.
But in this game, there is an awesome community that loves this kind of nerdy game, a tactical game that everyone thinks should be better and more realistic. My goal is to keep the heart of it beating.
I noticed during the years that no one did anything, i offered as you mention to greg to buy his game twice if i remember it right. But i got no answer! At the beginning, years ago... he could answer with a short answer.. but the communication now is non-existing.
As a community, we need a plan B if they pull out the plug. No one else will do it if i don't, i loved tech, design, sports, creativity since young age. So why not give it a try?
I fell in love with Sokker and left hattrick that was getting developed here in Sweden. Therefore, i will try to create Sokker inspired game, a game that reminds me and you of this game and how everything got started. Its not important if greg or someone else is behind it right? We just need to keep it alive and grow..
When i started this revolution campaign, i was hoping for a reaction from the devs, that they would get affected by it. And start to make something to change sokker. It would still make me happy.
So I'm trying to create another option if nothing happens here, and its gonna be more tactical, analytical, more economics and deeper youth system. A more realistic game with no focus on graphics.
if you like the idea, then i ask you to give it a chance. i will do this on my free time, if i manage to create a game that i can work with and make my job in the future, enjoy a community, why not?
You don't live far away either, you could come and work with us =)
I hope that something of my long post makes sense to you. But I'm not the first or the last who tried to reach the owners bro.
Its not going to be just another game, its going to be a sokker inspired game. And its up for you how you choose to see it, a commercial or revolution to make a change!
Visconte, thank you,
Im happy that you and a lot of other users got the message!
To others who wants a change, please support the movement by visiting:
Im happy that you and a lot of other users got the message!
To others who wants a change, please support the movement by visiting:
Why, hello there, you arrogant swede. I happen to like the gameplay here as well as the community, the design, hell - everything about this cosy game called Sokker. What I don't like, on the other hand, is a bloke like you spamming every goddamn forum in the Sokker universe with your plan to "save" the Sokker users from the terrible, terrible devs by basically assassinating the game called Sokker.
Because let's face it - if you manage to create another game, it will not be Sokker. Just like Sokker is not Hattrick. It will just be yet another football manager game with its own separate identity. You claim you're not planning on convincing people to leave Sokker, but that will no doubt be the outcome of your endeavour, if succesful, should you continue like this. As you pointed out yourself, you left Hattrick when you joined Sokker. Let's be realistic here. There are a lot of football manager games out there, so it won't be easy to achieve success with a new one. But it will be a hell of a lot easier, if you manage to steal a good amount of the Sokker user base and thus ensure a good start for your new enterprise, am I right?
If you want to create your own football manager game, by all means do it. And I wish you luck, mind you. But please don't abuse the liberal forum rules here to basically plant and nurture a black hole inside this game that I hold very dear. Do it the right way. Do it the moral way and the fair way.
But not all people will understand this way of thinking, so I guess I don't expect you to do so!
Because let's face it - if you manage to create another game, it will not be Sokker. Just like Sokker is not Hattrick. It will just be yet another football manager game with its own separate identity. You claim you're not planning on convincing people to leave Sokker, but that will no doubt be the outcome of your endeavour, if succesful, should you continue like this. As you pointed out yourself, you left Hattrick when you joined Sokker. Let's be realistic here. There are a lot of football manager games out there, so it won't be easy to achieve success with a new one. But it will be a hell of a lot easier, if you manage to steal a good amount of the Sokker user base and thus ensure a good start for your new enterprise, am I right?
If you want to create your own football manager game, by all means do it. And I wish you luck, mind you. But please don't abuse the liberal forum rules here to basically plant and nurture a black hole inside this game that I hold very dear. Do it the right way. Do it the moral way and the fair way.
But not all people will understand this way of thinking, so I guess I don't expect you to do so!
I will just make a short statement for you.
Sokker as a game is dying because of the devs who do not care about the game anymore.
I wanted to buy a few years ago just to make it better and more usable for the users. Like i did with my plugin oSokker. But gregs answers was just: "Why should i sell it?" And that was the end of discussion. After that almost not development was done on sokker.
If you dont like ila-a to try to make a new soccer manager, based on sokker, it's ok. You also have right to criticise him (free speech), but saying that he is not free to use the same "free speech", makes you shoot a goal to your own net.
My advice: If you have some ideas how to make devs continue work on, here with it. If you have ideas how to make ila-a's version better, here with it. Otherwise your posts are just spam.
Sokker as a game is dying because of the devs who do not care about the game anymore.
I wanted to buy a few years ago just to make it better and more usable for the users. Like i did with my plugin oSokker. But gregs answers was just: "Why should i sell it?" And that was the end of discussion. After that almost not development was done on sokker.
If you dont like ila-a to try to make a new soccer manager, based on sokker, it's ok. You also have right to criticise him (free speech), but saying that he is not free to use the same "free speech", makes you shoot a goal to your own net.
My advice: If you have some ideas how to make devs continue work on, here with it. If you have ideas how to make ila-a's version better, here with it. Otherwise your posts are just spam.
Visconte: "ila-a is providing us with a new option and takes as much memberbase with him as possible. Cant see anything wrong with it"
Ila-a: "Visconte, thank you, Im happy that you and a lot of other users got the message!"
Ila-a to kongbuur: "Who wrote anything about convincing others to leave" you, all the time, you just try to hide it. Say it like Visconte, man. Say: "I want to make another game, because this one sucks. Who will pay?, who will join? and will you back a crowdfunding campaign? - anyway, let's all leave this mess!"
For the record, I am reading your posts. Make the game, have success, I have no problem with that. I only object to the fact that you sound like you want to help THIS game. "Join the Movement", "Make the revolution", "you could come and work with us", "My goal is to keep the heart of it [Sokker] beating", "And its up for you how you choose to see it, a commercial or revolution to make a change!" - quote: you.
You do not want to change Sokker. Not in a positive way. So it must be a commercial, right?
...and apparently, nobody cares, so spam us with your new game. I am only objecting to the way you communicate it. And btw: I took the time to "be bothered to" read your posts. Now, what about my questions to you? Would you accept adverts for a similar game in your forums?
Ila-a: "Visconte, thank you, Im happy that you and a lot of other users got the message!"
Ila-a to kongbuur: "Who wrote anything about convincing others to leave" you, all the time, you just try to hide it. Say it like Visconte, man. Say: "I want to make another game, because this one sucks. Who will pay?, who will join? and will you back a crowdfunding campaign? - anyway, let's all leave this mess!"
For the record, I am reading your posts. Make the game, have success, I have no problem with that. I only object to the fact that you sound like you want to help THIS game. "Join the Movement", "Make the revolution", "you could come and work with us", "My goal is to keep the heart of it [Sokker] beating", "And its up for you how you choose to see it, a commercial or revolution to make a change!" - quote: you.
You do not want to change Sokker. Not in a positive way. So it must be a commercial, right?
...and apparently, nobody cares, so spam us with your new game. I am only objecting to the way you communicate it. And btw: I took the time to "be bothered to" read your posts. Now, what about my questions to you? Would you accept adverts for a similar game in your forums?
noone leaves sokker,we can play both,many ppl here playing more managers
its difficult to create something good like sokker,but if ila-a can do it at the end,then deserve our attention
if the sokker dies the only responsible for this are devs and owner
its difficult to create something good like sokker,but if ila-a can do it at the end,then deserve our attention
if the sokker dies the only responsible for this are devs and owner
You do not want to change Sokker. Not in a positive way. So it must be a commercial, right?
Sokker can't be changed by managers, only DEVs can do that and unfortunately they don't do that anymore. Some fixes now and then, but Sokker doesn't have any priority anymore like it once had. Some managers did make very nice add-ons, but that aren't the changes managers are asking for. Besides, a couple of managers who are way more active as the DEVs to make something of Sokker the last few years (!) is at least questionable and a reason to worry.
I really hope Ila-a is able to make Sokker 2.0, a game that will have that Sokker vibe and the reason why I (and many more) still play this game while DEVs do little to nothing to really save the browser game Sokker. The makers of the add-ons and help-programs ofcourse should help and make the extra's around the game, many options that can be turned on and off, not those few in Sokker but the many like the add-ons and help-programs.
Anyway, everyone is free to think what he think about this action. And I assume everyone who visit the forum has seen it by now. I hope enough managers with skills to help will help. And I hope the basics of that new game will be Sokker, and in time with new implementations like what should have happened with Sokker itself.
Sokker can't be changed by managers, only DEVs can do that and unfortunately they don't do that anymore. Some fixes now and then, but Sokker doesn't have any priority anymore like it once had. Some managers did make very nice add-ons, but that aren't the changes managers are asking for. Besides, a couple of managers who are way more active as the DEVs to make something of Sokker the last few years (!) is at least questionable and a reason to worry.
I really hope Ila-a is able to make Sokker 2.0, a game that will have that Sokker vibe and the reason why I (and many more) still play this game while DEVs do little to nothing to really save the browser game Sokker. The makers of the add-ons and help-programs ofcourse should help and make the extra's around the game, many options that can be turned on and off, not those few in Sokker but the many like the add-ons and help-programs.
Anyway, everyone is free to think what he think about this action. And I assume everyone who visit the forum has seen it by now. I hope enough managers with skills to help will help. And I hope the basics of that new game will be Sokker, and in time with new implementations like what should have happened with Sokker itself.
You're missing the point by a mile here. I'm not saying he cannot use the Sokker forums. My point is that he shouldn't and that he is lucky that the forum rules here apparently are so liberal that he can get away with what he is doing - i.e. spamming the forum with advertisements for a hostile enterprise.
Come on now, how many other sites would let anyone get away with this? And more interestingly, would he himself let anyone get away with it? Of course not, judging by the arrogant tone of his posts, in which he states among other things that opponents of his grand revolution should not "whine" and that he doesn't expect certain people to "understand his movement". Well, it's not exactly rocket science, is it now?
Let me throw some advice back in your direction: if you're not happy with the way things work around here, and you don't see the game move in the direction you like, then leave if you're fed up with it. Don't be mad, just leave. Go make your own game, if you wish. Afterwards, when the game is up and running, you can come back here and post a link to your amazing new game, maybe even dropping a line or two about the awesomeness of this new game.
But - and I can't stress this enough - don't act like freaking saviours pretending to work in the best interest of Sokker, when all you do is go around sowing seeds of discord in every imaginable forum of this lovely game.
Come on now, how many other sites would let anyone get away with this? And more interestingly, would he himself let anyone get away with it? Of course not, judging by the arrogant tone of his posts, in which he states among other things that opponents of his grand revolution should not "whine" and that he doesn't expect certain people to "understand his movement". Well, it's not exactly rocket science, is it now?
Let me throw some advice back in your direction: if you're not happy with the way things work around here, and you don't see the game move in the direction you like, then leave if you're fed up with it. Don't be mad, just leave. Go make your own game, if you wish. Afterwards, when the game is up and running, you can come back here and post a link to your amazing new game, maybe even dropping a line or two about the awesomeness of this new game.
But - and I can't stress this enough - don't act like freaking saviours pretending to work in the best interest of Sokker, when all you do is go around sowing seeds of discord in every imaginable forum of this lovely game.