Laatste wedstrijden:
GOOOOOOO New Zealand
2008-01-14 13:07
Griever And me would like to thank everyone who voted for us, We are the proud managers ofNEW ZEALAND, Feel free to sk mail me for any questions or suggestions for friendly matches
I`ll be taking charge of the Young players. If you have a young player who you think has enough talent and skill to make it to the National team. Tell me :)
We promised a jig if we qualified.. here it is
Other usefull stuff
How to create a tactic
How to create a Line-up
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GB post number 1000 => Duckies Duckies
GB post number 1001 => Luuut Luuut
GB post 1050 => Magoma(how about them apples)
GB post 1221 => Wrestny Langhe langhe
GB post 1500 => cercle92
GB post 1700 => Den John
GB post 1800 => UBER Wrestny Langhe
GB post 1900 => Kakker
GB post 2000 => Old mod
GB post 2100 => Mila lover
GB post 2200 =>Romania`s finest
GB post 2222 => Spammer/cheater
langhe again :D
GB post 2300 => MR Chimp
GB post 2400 => hmmmm BEER
GB post 2500 => Strong wind blowuaway
GB post 2600 => eendje
GB post 2700 => Megan fan Stenat73
GB post 2800 => Ice-T
GB post 2900 => zebra
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Friendly`s order now :D
week7: Cancelled due to succesfull cuprun
week 8: Wrestny orion
week 9: Back
week 10: Bamb00cha
Week 11: Il Piú Carino
Week 12: Duckies
week 13: de ions
Week 14: Joachim
week 15: SLampmapsamlplamlapmans ofzo
Dender fans in actie (neen ik sta er niet bij)
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Iben Vlaenderen
2010-06-06 11:10
we are so small
2008-05-08 12:10
GOOOOOOO New Zealand
2008-01-14 13:07
just leave me alone
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2007-07-25 22:22
2007-07-15 18:03
Zwaarste 3de klasse
2007-07-09 10:52
2007-06-25 17:09
end of season is near
2007-05-30 15:14
1-6 victory
2007-04-09 21:00
Nieuwe managers aangemeld: 2 | |
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