Laatste wedstrijden:
2012-07-08 17:23
Well ... know your enemy? So ... be one of them to know them. Been there, done that. From mod to admin.
It's impossible to actually know the staff. I mean, even on the 'highest level' forums, devs hardly write. Even the test server is almost devoid of any D input. Changes are done, afterwards announced (great order huh?), then contested by the community because they are not tested (lovely to have a test server!). In the end, newbies hardly stay ... and old users leave.
But they ain't the only part of the staff that doesn't give any input ... let aside has any use. Let's have a look at the 'stars', from 'low' to 'high'.
- Tutor: possibly the most important task. Problem: no reward from the game ... and seeing the few people you try to help giving up. Great motivation! Doubt if 10% of these guys are motivated.
- Promoter: promote a game. Easy job, put a link to the game on any random forum with an extension of your country (e.g. a .co.uk site if you're English), post that on sokker and get a month of Plus. Basically, spend 2 minutes a month on the job and enjoy Plus for most promoters.
- Linguist: translate news for the front page and lines of new implementations. Well ... each season they can recycle the elections text, each year the Santa text, ... announcements are hardly ever to be made ... and even then I noticed over half of the countries have untranslated news and the oldest translations are 3 articles behind. "Why inform a dying community" is a great credo to work along!
- Moderator: check the forums. Reading the international forums is too much of a job for 90% of them. Or it's 'not part of the job' or 'lack of time' are good explanations, don't you think? Guess the average post counter on an average forum is maybe 20-70 posts. Quite a lot to catch up, must take hours! Guess I can better sit back and enjoy my Plus, cheers to you Greg! Oh, transfer forums ... nah, nobody uses those, why moderate them?
- Administrator: Checking applications. Oh no, have you seen the gigantic list of applications every day? Guess I don't have time for them today, nor tomorrow ... ah, I'll just wait till it shows up in the 'applications older than 4 days' list. Wonder how many of those even log in after waiting so long for a team. Oh, and why read the mail sent by users ... nothing important can be there. Who cares some guy can't register because he shares IP with a nephew because he showed the poor lad the game at his home. And the 2 or 3 cheater topics where discussion is going on about the sanctions ... nah, let the usual 5 or 6 fellow admins do that! I'm going to check all the reported transfers in the meantime. FECK! That list is once again over 200 reports long ... better sit back and wait for someone else to sort that mess out. Thanks Greg there's Plus to compensate me for all the heavy work I did today!
So ... we end up with a game ran by stubborn folks, helped by staff doing nothing (well, let's hope they don't abuse their power ... enough rumours there!). Can't go wrong, can it? Luckily, in each position, there are those 5-15% of people who actually try to help the game. Well, that is till they end up being tired of doing an impossible job because the other 90%, throw the towel ... and write a text like this.
Arise! These are the wonders at your feet!
2014-09-07 16:32
Gossip and Transfer Rumors
2013-09-01 21:50
For victory or death
2013-07-28 12:07
Yes we can!
2013-07-10 19:07
2012-07-08 17:23
Once again
2012-04-15 23:25
De impact van 1 match
2011-12-28 19:55
2010-08-23 18:44
Sentirei saudades ...
2008-04-13 12:55
2008-03-22 11:37

Langhe leest deze onzin toch niet.
Spaceman Spiff 2024-08-25
don't really care, I just need a player :D
neuro 2024-01-01
Of course I'm still alive DeCraphe :D.
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