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Klubowe wiadomości
2016-09-19 16:47
Club Statistics:
number of players - 25
average age: - 28,8
highest average mark - 65.9
highest ranking - 5481.24 (04.03.2021)
fanclub - 1749
stadium - 40000
LIGA IV: (11 seasons)
LIGA V: (13 seasons)
LIGA VI: (5 seasons)
7 round
NT Statistics:
Česká republika U21 (23.09.2024 - )
USA U21 (24.06.2024 - 22.09.2024) 13 8-0-5 32:10
- 4.Place Group E World Cup U21 (4.pot)
- Quaterfinal Gold Cup U21
USA U21 (25.03.2024 - 23.06.2024) 13 9-1-3 59:9
- 2.Place Group C WCQ (2.pot) and promotion to the World Cup U21
USA U21 (25.12.2023 - 24.03.2024) 15 11-2-2 37:7
- 3.Place Group B World Cup U21 (3.pot)
- 2.Place Gold Cup U20
USA U21 (25.09.2023 - 24.12.2023) 13 9-3-1 50:7
- 2.Place Group I WCQ (2.pot) and promotion to the World Cup U21
USA U21 (26.06.2023 - 24.09.2023) 13 10-1-2 38:6
- 1/8 finals U20 Mini World Cup
- 3.Place Copa America U20 (2.pot group stage)
USA U21 (27.03.2023 - 25.06.2023) 13 10-0-3 44:8
- 3.Place Group B WCQ (3.pot)
USA U21 (26.12.2022 - 26.03.2023) 13 9-0-4 22:14
- Final U20 Mini World Cup
- Semifinal Copa America U20
Ísland U21 (26.09.2022 - 26.12.2022) 13 7-3-3 46:16
- 3.Place Group H WCQ (4.pot)
Ísland U21 (27.06.2022 - 26.09.2022) 13 9-0-4 34:11
- 3.Place Druid's Cup
Ísland U21 (29.03.2022 - 27.06.2022) 14 6-2-6 23:18
- 4.Place Group L WCQ (4.pot)
Ísland U21 (06.12.2021 - 29.03.2022) 16 6-4-6 21:17
- 3.Place Group E (4.pot) and promotion to 1/8 Finals Copa América U20
Ísland U21 (16.08.2021 - 06.12.2021) 16 7-0-9 21:34
- 4.Place Group H WCQ (5.pot)
Ísland U21 (26.04.2021 - 16.08.2021) 16 7-2-7 26:26
- Quaterfinal U20 Mini World Cup
- 2.Place African Cup U21
O‘zbekiston (04.01.2021 - 26.04.2021) 16 9-1-6 28:24
- 1.Place Group D (2.pot) and promotion to 1/8 Finals Asian Cup
Last update: 27.09.2024
Thanks for the game invitation, looking forward to learn the game
JackMcVal [del] 2023-03-24Hello, from Maryland USA Thanks for helping me get up to speed after a decade away.
islander 2023-01-14Happy New Year 2022 and especially health for you and your loved ones.
Krzysztof 2021-12-31Berichten: 8 | Volgende
Nodig vrienden uit en verdien gratis Plus!
Nieuwe managers aangemeld: 25 | |
Club gebeurtenissen
Yance Winata is verkocht
2024-11-04 21:24:20
Irfan Manalu is op de transferlijst gezet
2024-11-04 21:10:07
Vojtěch Vinařický is gekocht
2024-11-03 20:51:39
Yance Winata is op de transferlijst gezet
2024-11-02 21:23:32
Cleveland Carey is verkocht
2024-10-30 21:51:10