Aan alle managers met Belgische trainees in hun ploeg. We willen onze ploeg laten groeien zodat we terug kunnen spelen voor de prijzen! Hiervoor hebben we jullie hulp nodig. Heb je Belgische spelers tot 21 jaar en wil je ons U21 team een boost geven. Stuur dan een update van je spelers naar Deklenen, onze U21 coach.
Heb je oudere spelers en denk je dat deze ons nationale team kunnen versterken, stuur dan een beschrijving van je speler door naar Royal Flush, onze bondscoach.
Zowel Deklenen als Royal Flush worden bijgestaan door een team van ervaren scouts en assistenten, hebben jarenlange ervaring binnen het spel en kennen de meeste Belgische managers al, inclusief hun trainingsplannen en hun NT en/of U21 spelers binnen hun team.
Samen proberen wij een trainingsplan op te stellen dat past binnen de noden van onze Nationale ploegen. Verschillende managers stellen ook hun training af op bepaalde spelers van ons NT, in samenspraak met Deklenen of Royal Flush.
Heb jij dus ook een speler waarvan je denkt dat hij een goede aanvulling zou (kunnen) zijn aan het NT, aarzel dan niet ons te contacteren als je hem graag, in functie van het NT, de juiste training wil geven.
Alvast onze oprechte dank aan alle managers die aan dit project (willen) meewerken!
Tot zaterdag voor de matchen van de U21 en het NT team !
Deklenen en Royal Flush .
To all managers with Belgian players within their team. We like to make our team greater again, so we can play for prices again.
But we need your help to achieve this! Do you have Belgian players up to the age of 21, whom you think will be an asset to our U21 team, you can sent an update to Deklenen, our U21 coach!
Or do you have older players and you might think they can help our NT, you can sent an update of those players to Royal Flush , our NT coach.
Both Royal Flush and Deklenen have their own team of experienced scouts and assistants, have years of experience within the game and they also know most managers in Belgium and their U21/NT players. Together we create a training plan so we can give the players the best training they need in order to get the best experience out of our NT. Lots of Belgian managers allready set their training plan in function of the NT players they have, along with the assistancy of Deklenen or Royal Flush.
So...do you have a Belgian player within your team, and are you (almost) certain he can be of use to our NT, don't hesitate to contact us to find the best possible training for him, in order to get the maximum out of your player, in function of our NT!
For now, many thanks to all managers who allready help our NT with their effort in training players to the best of their abilities! We endlessly appreciate all help that is given to us, providing us with heaps of greatly trained players to help us improve our game!
Interested to see NT and/or U21 matches of Belgium?
On saterday plays our U21 and NT team their matches.
All supporters are more than welcome on our Belgian Forum
Don't be a stranger and learn to know our community! you'll see we have a bunch of things to talk about ;-)
Kind regards,
Royal Flush and Deklenen.
België U21 - WCQ and XIV WC
Send your players to our NT Database with the following steps:
1 - Install FireFox Browser
2 - Install oSokker Plugin
In the player`s page, a flag will appear under the player skills. Just click on it and you will be redirected to the NT Database.
See the ranking of best players: HERE.
Note: even if you can`t use FireFox Browser, you can add/update your player manually by clicking HERE.
Season Schedule
Week 1: Việt Nam U21 (WCQ) 5x0
Week 2: Colombia U21 (WCQ) 2x1
Week 3: Lietuva U20 (Friendly) 7x0
Week 4: Al Maghrib U21 (WCQ) 5x0
Week 5: O‘zbekiston U21 (WCQ) 5x0
Week 6: South Africa U21 (WCQ) 5x0
Week 7: Paraguai U20 (Friendly) 4x1
Week 8: South Africa U21(WCQ) 10x0
Week 9: O‘zbekiston U21 (WCQ) 6x1
Week 10: Al Maghrib U21 (WCQ) 3x0
Week 11: Hellas U20 (Friendly) 1x0
Week 12: Colombia U21 (WCQ) 3x4
Week 13: Việt Nam U21 (WCQ) 2x2
Week 14: Polska U20 (Friendly) 3x4
Week 15: Brazil U21 (Friendly) 1x4
Week 0: Danmark U21 (Friendly) 2x0
Season Schedule
Week 1: Česká republika U21 (Friendly) 2x3
Week 2: Österreich U20 (Friendly) 0x1
Week 3: Eesti U21 (WC - Group Stage) 0x2
Week 4: Hrvatska U21 (WC - Group Stage) 2x0
Week 5: Azərbaycan U21 (WC - Group Stage) 4x1
Week 6: Colombia U21 (WC - Eight finals) 3x0
Week 7: Magyarország U21 (WC - Quarter finals) 3x3 (1x2 PK)
Week 8: Uruguay U20 (Friendly) 1x0
Week 9: Hrvatska U20 (Friendly) 1x1
Week 10: Bosna i Hercegovina U20 (Friendly) 0x0
Week 11: Srbija U20 (Friendly) 0x1
Week 12: Italy U20 (Friendly) 1x0
Week 13: Nederland U20 (Friendly) 1x0
Week 14: Suomi U19 (Friendly) 2x2
Week 15: Eesti U20 (Friendly) 1x0
Week 0: México U21 (Friendly) 1x0
Behmen / 2019-06-26 12:07
New Season !
el_muchacho / 2018-04-02 16:01
België U21 - WCQ
Charles_Kurz [del] / 2017-12-13 23:09
België U21 - WCQ and XIV WC
Charles_Kurz [del] / 2017-05-03 16:57
Belgium U21 - WC season (2nd Edition)
Ford Kuga [del] / 2017-01-09 21:33
Belgium U21 - Road to WC (2nd Edition)
Ford Kuga [del] / 2016-09-20 15:40
Belgium U21 is World Champion!
Ford Kuga [del] / 2016-07-28 20:00
Belgie U21 - WC Season
Ford Kuga [del] / 2016-06-09 16:32
Belgie U21 - Road to WC
Ford Kuga [del] / 2016-02-08 11:33
België Under21
Pavoniana / 2014-04-07 23:13
Deadline: | 2025-03-16 |
Winnaar: |
16 stemmen ontvangen |
verkiezingspagina |
Rankingspunten: | 2583.37 |
Aantal spelers: | 35 |
Gemiddelde vorm: | uitmuntend |
Gemiddelde leeftijd: | 20.8 |
Gemiddelde waarde: | 692 436 $ |
Totale waarde: | 24 235 250 $ |
Nieuwe managers aangemeld: | |