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Club Legends
2008-08-26 05:06
News █ Team Status █ Stats █ 1st Squad █ Achievements █ Club Legends █ Think Green █ Old News █ About Me
Boško Rakojević - First Serbian NT player from our club. He was probably the most untalented player to make it to NT. Played as a central defender, but during his glory days he even played one NT game as a striker, and he scored a penalty in a play-off game for Polarne Mede. Eventhoug he was a defender, Boško often tried to dribble his opponents. Most of his dribbles ended up with him losing the ball and oppening a counter attack for the opponents. He retired from his NT career having played 50 games for Srbija.
Vivien Jore - He came to our club at the age of 16 and became the leading figure in famous Polarne Mede squad that won the title. Played as a defending midfielder, central defender and winback, this great french guy always gave 100% on the field and our fans still sing songs about him. When he turned 23, he decided he wanted to go back to his homeland so Polarne Mede sold him to one of best french clubs where we hope he will continue his great career.
Hélder Babangida - Strong spanish central defender. After Jore and several other older defenders left the club he was the one that stayed and helped the new generation of young defenders to develop into great players. At the age of 24 he decided to go to seek his fortune in polish 2nd league. El Capitano was sold, and whole stadium was crying. Just few weeks after he left Polarne Mede he became member of Espana NT.
Milan Ružić - One of a kind. Although he played just 30minutes for Polarne Mede before he was sold, this magical junior has a special place in heart of all true Polarne Mede fans. He scored 3 goals in that game and instantly became a legend. We all hope one day he will be back.. Our Golden Boy
S52 - New chant!
2021-03-18 12:55
S52 - after Gameday 1
2021-01-03 21:32
Chapter 3 - No more transfers
2020-12-04 14:05
Chapter 2 - Boško Rakojević - the Immortal
2020-11-20 22:17
Chapter 1 - RESTART. New squad, old goals.
2020-11-09 13:44
About Me
2008-08-27 00:19
Club Legends
2008-08-26 05:06
2008-08-26 04:44
First Squad
2008-08-26 04:37
Team Status
2008-08-26 04:25

Hvala Medo
pasha 2025-01-09
Robbed big time on your 23yo purchase :o
langhe 2024-01-01
Sto se ceka, ajd slozi U23 ekipu da opet igramo Ligu Prvaka zajedno!
Bebek [del] 2023-03-22Berichten: 1157 | Volgende
Nieuwe managers aangemeld: 0 | |
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